Are Birkin Bags a Sound Investment?

The Hermès Birkin is probably the most famous and popular handbag that Luxury consumérists have come across. Smooth texture, utterly luxurious and rare, has made the Birkin more than just a purse, but an emblem of the successful elite. However, some are in for a rude shock knowing that the Birkin is very expensive, and it is not many of them in the market despite its high cost.

Craftsmanship is one of the main aspects that help Birkin to earn its high price. Every single piece of Birkin comes from Hermès with each bag being individually crafted by one master artisan and the process may take up to 48 hours to be done. The particular care to sewing seams, and choice of the most qualitative leather guarantee that such bag is of qualitative type. It is not just a plus on durability but also on the timeless looking of this bag at this level of workmanship.

There is also the factor that there will always be limited pieces of the Birkin floating around so it is easily considered an investment. The case involves the strategic management of production of Birkin as well as its delivery to the market as a prestige brand, which has not only limited its circulation but also contributed positively to its demand factor in the market. This scarcity when coupled with the fact that Birkin bags are highly recognised has seen the price of some of these bags on the resale market exceed their initial selling price.

But, the truth is that Birkin has stand the test of time and can be regarded as a good investment. A number of studies and reports show that a Birkin has been on a steady rise which some models having been seen to gain up to 14% in value annually. This makes the Birkin not only a status symbol but also an investment that possesses a good potential to earn more than some of the so-called conventional investment tools.

But, the worth of a Birkin is not simply a value for its financial gains that one may get out of it. For most of the consumers, the Birkin is not just the bag; it is a part of history and brings the buyer close to the legendary Hermès. Birkin is fashion’s ultimate accessory that does not undergo seasonal changes and is thus a useful investment.


Before you buy a Birkin bag, check out the variety offered at crossbody handbag: here you can find both classic and modern replicas of the Birkin bags that guarantee the buyer both style and safety.