Anatomy of a bag: Learning about the Sylvania Mushroom Leather, an Hermes bag.

Luxury is quite apparent in almost all aspects of the company, and Hermès embraces both quality workmanship and creativity. In the latest attempt, the brand has released Sylvania Mushroom Leather which is a brand new material that may be characterised as the vision of what sustainable fashion will look like in the future. There is a new leather substitute that comes from mycelium, the root of a mushroom and is luxurious and sustainable for consumers to use.

In the Birth of Sylvania Mushroom Leather, we come across another aspect of design thinking and how design is used as a way of positioning the brand.

Sylvania Mushroom Leather is the creation of Hermès and MycoWorks- a Californian-based biotechnology company. The collaboration started with the goals of a long-lasting conscious material to match Hermès’ values of quality and being environmentally friendly.

It is essential to note that Sylvania Mushroom Leather is created by growing mycelium in a closed environment that is then made to resemble look and feel of conventional leather. The outcome of the process is a material that is not only renewable but which is also as stylish, soft and glossy as the skin of the animals.

Sylvania Mushroom Leather: Why It Matters

Sylvania Mushroom Leather has paved way to fashion industry’s initiatives toward the conservation of the environment. Traditional process of leather production causes stress on natural resources, and they use dangerous chemical products. TheSylvania Mushroom Leather on the other hand, is made of mycelium which is a renewable material that takes even less water and energy in production.

It also solves the ethical issue of animal rights in the development of this new material. That is why Hermès’s decision to launch a high-quality vegan product of plant origin and at the same time it does not lose its exclusivity and is oriented specifically for luxury consumers.

Applications in Hermès Collections

Sylvania Mushroom Leather is now featuring in Hermès products with Victoria bag being the first to showcase this new material. This tote bag gives a great demonstration on how versatile and handsome this mushroom leather is, its texture feels soft, strong, and majestic. Sylvania Mushroom Leather is a new material in Hermès’ products which makes the brand more environmental friendly while not compromising on quality and aesthetics as is expected of the brand.

Thus, Sylvania Mushroom Leather can be expected to become a revolution as the fashion industry is still searching for sustainable solutions. It includes not only accessories pockets and handbags, but also shoes, hats and even home furnishings – one can only imagine the possibilities of further development of this material.


Sylvania Mushroom Leather is a perfect example of how Hermès company follows innovation and sustainability development. As a pioneer of luxury culture, Hermès is demonstrating how to make luxury fashion sustainable with this innovative material. Find Sylvania Mushroom Leather and other sustainable collections on Crossbody Handbag and become the part of the new age of luxury.